You have to know you are going to succeed when you start. The Gurus make sure you believe it, but then they leave you hanging when they don't deliver what they promised you.
The initial failure with a get rich quick product is when the money making leaves most people. But for others, they continue the struggle down the road to internet money making success.
The money making attitude is what sets apart the ones who make it and the ones who don't. Do you have the right stuff?
Do you have what it takes to sit down at the computer and spend hundreds of hours putting together an adsense website?
Do you have what it takes to write a compelling article that sells a product to someone without them realizing you only wrote the article to make them buy it?
Do you have what it takes to create an information product from scratch and build a website around it?
All it really takes is the "I can do it, and I will do it" attitude. And you must be able to maintain a positive and productive mindset while you are putting out a lot of effort that will not pay off for weeks or months to come.
There is no harm in dreaming about the future success you will obtain, as long as it doesn't interfere with doing the work that will lead to it.
Darell's new site is a breath of fresh air in the internet marketing arena, focusing on getting the work done and setting realistic expectations. Visit it at
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