Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Being Successful In Business Requires You To Constantly Be Learning

When I first started out in internet marketing I was totally clueless. I knew I wanted to make money and that was about it. I felt totally alone and that there were no resources available to me. In those days, there wasn't a lot of information available (not like today) and most of the people online were teaching concepts that they were not using in their day to day operations. Still, I bought most everything I could find on a wide variety of topics so I could be the best I could be. I knew that I constantly had to be increasing my knowledge and always staying current with what was going on in terms of online (and offline) marketing.
Then one day I had an epiphany. I would no longer just randomly absorb everything out there, but I would try to align myself with the most successful people in the industry. Through audios, videos and direct contact with these internet marketing experts I could finally learn true marketing secrets and make the kind of money I knew was possible. I could learn more listening to a 30 minute interview or watching a 20 minute hands-on video than I could reading 100 pages of an ebook. It's when I discovered this that my business really took off. These internet marketing experts traditionally charge 1000's of dollars for an hour, so being able to access these people for a fraction of that cost was a godsend.
These experts have made mistakes along the way (some very costly), so finding out how to avoid these mistakes is priceless. Also, being able to access the same tools/resources that these experts are using is more valuable than you will ever know.
These experts have made mistakes along the way (some very costly), so finding out how to avoid these mistakes is priceless. Also, being able to access the same tools/resources that these experts are using is more valuable than you will ever know.
The truly valuable sites are the ones that I have joined that have two qualities: 1) constantly updated material and 2) material that covers a broad spectrum of topics. The reason for this is the landscape of the Internet changes almost monthly, so having stale articles and resources that are no longer valid options provides very little value. Also, be careful of one size fits all solutions that try to tell you that there is only ONE area that you should focus on and that you have to do things their way or else. As a business owner, you will need to determine what will work for your particular business and having access to multiple strategies that you can combine and the tools to put those strategies together will prove to be the one of the most invaluable resources you have.
Another huge lesson I have learned over the years is that you don't have to do this alone. Becoming part of a group/community and forming mastermind groups is the best thing that you could do for your business. These groups lead to joint ventures that will help to explode your business beyond your wildest beliefs. Once you start to make these connections, you can do more than you ever thought possible.
Regardless of whether you join a community or mastermind group or align yourself with the top marketers out there, the message that I will leave you with is to never stop enriching your mind and learning. Whether it's audios, videos, books or whatever else you can find, always keep learning something new. Most professionals have to go through a re-education process (think nurses, doctors, accountants) as part of their careers. As marketers, we need to do the same. If you aren't learning, your competition will and by the time you realize it you will be watching them pass you by.
To our success,
By: Chuck Abbott has been marketing offline/online for nearly 20 years and has helped 1000's of companies and individuals reach their full potential. For more information, please write to [mailto:support@thebusinessprofessionalcommunity.com]support@thebusinessprofessionalcommunity.com . Also, if you are ready to continue your education and learn from the best marketers in the world, visit http://www.thebusinessprofessionalcommunity.com/ .

Monday, August 27, 2007

Balancing your Online Home Business Life

Running your own online home business, however, does require discipline, not only due to the many distractions in your home environment but because you have no set rules or working hours that you have to adhere to, so herewith some tips to help you balance your work at home life.
It is highly advisable and really important to get into a routine as soon as possible and decide how many hours a day you are going to dedicate to your online home business then decide when those hours will be. Then it is a matter of ensuring that you do put in the hours required daily to ensure the success of your online home business.
Make use of To-Do Lists. Urgent tasks can be added to your daily list, tasks that need to be done in a week or two can go on your short-term list and major projects added to your long-term lists. Listing your plans and tasks will prevent you from becoming distracted and help keep you focused and motivated to ensure you accomplish all that you set out to do.
To save you being interrupted throughout the day it is a good idea to advise your friends and neighbours that although you are at home, you do have an online home business that you work hard at and let them know when it is convenient to visit, otherwise you will have people popping in throughout the day and you will find it hard to settle down to get any work done at all.
Try and get your chores done first thing before you switch on that computer and get involved with your online home business, because as you know the hours can fly by so fast when working on the internet.
Be sure to set yourself break times for meals otherwise you may also find the day goes by and you have not yet had lunch.
Don’t allow yourself to become house bound and totally absorbed in your online home business. You need to balance your life. Beware of falling prey to cabin fever! Spend quality time with the children, make time to get out and meet your friends, enjoy your shopping sprees or partake in your favourite sport.
Don’t forget to keep invoices, receipts and slips and claim for everything that is tax deductible for your home based online business, including your office space.
Be sure not to forget to attend to the maintenance of your computer. Back-up regularly and defrag your hard drive to ensure maximum performance of your pc.
You don’t ever have to miss another child’s school play or sports day. That is the great advantage of the internet and with an online home business you can make up the time working at night.
If you have a dog, working at home will change your dog’s life too. They will thrive and just love having someone at home all the time, instead of having to wait a whole day for human company.
Your dog will provide you with the very necessary daily walk that you also need having sat for long periods in front of your computer.
Having an online home business can sometimes get lonely, so at least you can never be accused of talking to yourself when you have a dog to share things with!
You dog will quickly slot into the new routine. The walk and play times not only give you the exercise you need but the very important break for your eyes. Looking at a computer screen all day is not good for them.
You may find it quite a juggle at first to settle down to working at home online but once you get into a routine you will relish the freedom of running an online home business and being able to come and go as you please without having to ask for permission.
About the Author: Cynthia Minnaar enjoys the freedom of working at home online with her own online home business , the site for online home business startup ideas, extra income opportunities & internet income training. Start your own online home business & launch 6 automated streams of residual income today with an income generating site set up free within 24 hours. You may publish my article if you include the bio.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Deciding To Start Your Own Business

What a scary thought! Who would want to make that leap of faith and start their own business? Do you really have the self confidence to do it? Take a deep breath and think about it.
If you are contemplating starting your own business, I know these thoughts are running through your head. They certainly raced through my mind when I was thinking about it. This is a decision that needs thorough thought. Don’t jump into it without thinking.
Have you thought about opening a store? The investment for an “on the street” business is great – thousands and thousands of dollars. That excludes most of us. A workable alternative is a “work at home” business. The increasing popularity of the internet has really opened up that field. The instability of so many businesses has created a need for many people to work for themselves.
It is very possible to start an “at home business” with very little investment. This allows the “little guy” (you and me) to be self-employed. If you search the web for online businesses, you will find many that do require a large initial outlay of cash. That wasn’t for me. I wanted an opportunity to start with little or no cash output and then I could determine expenditures on advertising and other things. This would allow me to control my budget. Not having a lot to spend, I was aware that it is possible to find free methods of advertising which would require more time than money.
Some people will quit their “day job” and jump into a business. I do not advise this unless you are very financially secure. I continue my full time job, devoting all the hours I can in the evenings and weekends to my new business. This takes a lot of determination! You really need a lot of self confidence to believe that this business will succeed and you will be able to do it full time in the future. You really have to want to change your lifestyle. The thought of being in control of my destiny fuels me. I am determined to succeed.
Work at home businesses are also perfect for part time work. Those of you who just want to supplement your family’s income for vacation money, Christmas money, money to pay the bills would do well with an online business. You can control how much you earn and how much time you spend.
n this day of corporations constantly downsizing, no job is secure. Wouldn’t you rather be the one in charge? Wouldn’t you rather not have a long commute each day? Make the move! Start working for yourself.
Jan Wilhelm invites you to visit http://www.profitsr4u.com/. Not only is this site for the "want to be" internet marketer (lots of work at home and affiliate opportunities), but it is also for those already having a business (ways to improve your business.).
Also visit http://www.fitness-health-exercise.com/. There you will find articles on general health, health issues and fitness. There are also products to help you reach optimal health and fitness. Recipes and cookbooks also. Email me at jlw2fl@aol.com

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Growing a Business Starts With a Good Marketing Plan

Turning a growing business into a successful business takes patience, an understanding of your customers and ingenuity in creating a strong marketing plan that is unique to your product and service. Grabbing attention from potential clients can mean the difference between a business that survives and a business that thrives!
Marketing is a term that is often used synonymously with "advertising." But it is more than that. Advertising sells a product, while a good marketing plan sets your business and your product and service apart from the pack, and makes you an industry leader that everyone turns to. Marketing is more than a selling tool; it is a way to build long term relationships with clients in order to create an environment that entices future business.
Understanding Your Clients/Customers: Statistics show that 80% of most sales come from a mere 20% of a businesses client base. The best way to increase results among that 20% is to get to really know your customers. Research is vital when marketing to existing customers. Some things you'll need to know before implementing a new marketing strategy are:
-Who your current clients are
-What your clients needs are
-Why they use your product or service
-When they use your product or service
-Why they buy your product and service
-How your product or service can better benefits both your existing customers, as well as future clients
Getting To Know Your Competition: No matter what business you're in, there's always a similar one on your coat tails, trying to better position themselves in your market. Customers can be fickle, and may decide to jump ship if they think they'll get a better deal elsewhere. The best way to prevent losing customers to new or existing competitors is to keep a close on what's going on in the industry and who the new players are. Take special care to watch for promotions and marketing schemes that may help your competitors lure away your customer base.
Find A Market Niche: Customers are always on the look out for something new and different. Maybe they want to keep using your tried and true product because of its quality or availability. Don't take their loyalty for granted. Always be on the lookout for better prices; special offers; more selection, virtually anything that will interest them into ordering again and again and again.
Niche marketing can be a good way to keep the customers you have and gain new ones from word of mouth advertising. Some businesses are known for their great prices; while other charge more, but rely on their high quality to make the sale. What is your business "known" for? If the answer is nothing, your next marketing plan should start there.
Limit Yourself: No one (or business) can do it all - and you shouldn't try. Don't try to have the best prices, biggest selection and highest quality in town. Figure out what your customers want and expect and then give it to them in the best way you know how. Trying to be too many things to too many people will result in weak expectations; poor sales; and dwindling customer loyalty.
No matter what type of marketing plan you devise, the key is to know your customer; be prepared to give them what they want and need; watch your competition and find your own niche in the industry. Once you can accomplish that, any marketing strategy is bound to work.
About the Author: Matthew Hick
Want To Own a Website? Get Your Own Successful Money Making Website
Network at http://ewebcreator.com/. Adsense Templates with eWebCreator.com

Thursday, July 12, 2007

How Do You Know What The Best Home Based Business Is?

Do you know how to tell what the best home business is? There are all kinds of opportunities that you can choose from. However, you are the only one that can tell what the best home business is. Let me explain what I mean.
You are the one that knows what you like and what you don't like. You want to make sure that you find a home based business that interests you. This will give you a much better chance of being successful with it. When you don't like what you are promoting you will have no desire to work. So make sure you like your new business.
Other people can tell you what their best home based business is but that may not be the one for you. You are the one that knows what you are looking for. In other words, you know what type of money you want to make, what products you want to promote and so on.
When you are looking for the online business for you the best thing to do is to make a list of what it is you are looking for. What do you do when you don't have a clue? Then you do some research to find out what the different opportunities are. This will give you an idea of what they offer. Then you can make a list of all the things that are important for you when it comes to a home based business.
Here are some questions you need to find the answers to when you are trying to determine what the best home based business is for you.
One: do they offer the training that you need to learn how to promote your new business?
Two: what type of money or percentage of their sales do they offer and when do they pay?
Three: is there customer service or support good?
Four: do they have products that you would love to tell other people about?
Five: do they give you the marketing materials such as, classified ads, solo ads, email ads and so on that will help you get started?
These are just a few of the questions that you should ask yourself and find the answers to when you are trying to find the best online business. This will give you a head start on the list that you should make to determine what you want to do. You will be able to come up with more of your own when you think about it. You just want to make sure that you don't join a business opportunity unless you are really sure that this is what you want to do.

Source: Submit Articles at ArticlesBase.com

About the Author:Jo Han Mok is the author of the #1 international business bestseller, The E-Code. Unlock the code for unlimited online profits for yourself by visiting his website today at: http://www.superfastprofit.com/

Sunday, July 1, 2007

How To Make Sure Getting What You Want Makes You Happy

What can you do if you've established what you want, made plans to achieve it, worked heard and succeeded in achieving everything you ever hoped for, only to find yourself wondering – is that all there is?

If for example, you wanted to be a millionaire and reached that goal. One good reason for possibly feeling somewhat deflated is that people change. The great Jim Rohn made a very profound observation about this very subject – that the person you become in pursuit of a goal is much more important than reaching the goal itself. The skills and you have to learn, the obstacles you have to overcome, the character traits you have to develop and so on are what really matters.

We become different people as we work towards and achieve our goals. Whilst it's important to have goals it's also important not be dogmatic about them, we need to be able to change and adapt them as we go along, If you aren't getting the results you want, perhaps there's something wrong with your approach or your plans and you need to alter them. In some case it may be necessary to start all over again. This isn't being defeated, this is realizing that changes were needed. You can still maintain the same ultimate goals, this is just taking a different route to get there.

Even when things are going well, it may still need necessary to adapt. As we develop as people our priorities change and the things that were once of great importance become less so. This is natural.

For example, the things that were most important when we are single become less important when we enter serious relationships, and change again as we become parents.
Regularly reviewing our goals and values should stop us from getting to a certain point and feeling let down. Much of this happens automatically anyway, but if we actively think about it will make it even easier.

Self improvement and continuous personal growth is one of the basic human needs. In [http://www.selfimprovementdirectory.com/Self_Improvement_Directory_Tips-HOW-COMFORTABLE-ARE-YOU.html] Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs this is actually the highest level of human need, the desire to grow and develop, not to stand still and remain complacent or self satisfied, or as some would say, to get stuck in a rut.

There's also another level that was later added to Maslow's hierarchy – the need to contribute, to give something back and to make a difference in some way, or to make some sort of spiritual connection. Many believe this is where true happiness is to be found, although few people take this course because they are seeking happiness.

This isn't even a choice for many people; more like it chooses them, or they feel drawn to it. This is the need that has driven people like Mother Teresa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, even Bob Geldof to name but a few well known examples.

This is also the need that drove Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world and the man who was ultimately responsible for Napoleon Hill writing Think and Grow Rich, the book that started the modern personal development industry. Carnegie gave away most of his vast fortune, funding and establishing countless libraries, schools, universities and other institutions which continue to educate and help millions of people worldwide today.

This was philanthropy on the grandest scale that few can replicate, but many people feel driven to contribute to worthwhile causes as they become better off financially. Cynics may think that many well off people only give to charity to avoid paying tax or for similar reasons, but this certainly isn't always the case.

There are many, many genuinely philanthropic wealthy people. Some will have always been that way inclined, and some will become more committed to helping others as they become wealthier, perhaps due to gratitude and wanting to give something back, or the genuine desire to make a contribution to others.

Making a contribution is certainly not only for the wealthy. Absolutely anyone can help others, if not financially, by committing time. Millions of people of modest means do so, and not only do they help to make the world a better place, but they have richer lives as a result.

If you've reached all your goals and you still don't feel satisfied, it's possibly because you haven't adapted and updated your goals to suit the person you've become in achieving them, or haven't thought about your next challenges. Or perhaps what you're really looking for now is a higher purpose that you may not have yet been able to define.

About The Author Garry Zancanaro is the creator of http://www.supersuccesslibrary.com/ a collection of outstanding and life changing Success and Personal Development Resources, and the founder of http://www.selfimprovementdirectory.com/ where you can claim a FREE copy of THINK AND GROW RICH.

Article Source:

Friday, June 22, 2007

Do You Want to Make Money While You Sleep?

If you put your mind to it and are prepared to work long hours every day, you can make money on the internet. Are you going to do it, the right way? This article is going to cover a few of the steps that are required for making money while you sleep?
You have seen this advertisement over and over again; "Make Money Starting with Absolutely Nothing" or "No Work Required"
From the first day that you start your Internet home business all that you will read about is that the money is in the list and that has not changed. The way you build your list has changed, but you still need that list, if you want to be successful with your internet home business. The problem is that creating and maintaining that list is not very easy and requires hard work. To find the right products to sell can be time consuming and difficult.
It is difficult to decide that what these advertisements claim is true. Are their really so many people that are making money on the Internet? That is until you realize how much hard work and patience is required to start a work from home business. How much commitment is really necessary to make this new work from home business opportunity a viable opportunity? And finally, how much time and efforts are required until this work from home business opportunity are profitable while you sleep.
Many of you are familiar with "Make Your Knowledge Sell". This means that in real life, success takes time, hard work, more time and more hard work. Nothing happens overnight, no matter how many times you see it.
What are the required steps for making money while you sleep?
a) Find or develop a product that you want to sell.
b) Construct a website to sell this new product.
c) Create a killer sales letter, or hire a professional copywriter.
d) Set up an automatic credit card processing system.
e) Start an affiliate program and submit it to affiliate program directories.
f) Give away free information to generate a list of potential customers.
g) Use an auto responder to automatically send out offers to your customers.
h) Write an article about your product.
i) Submit your article to article directories.
j) Create your own blog.
k) Submit your website to Search Engines.
l) Go to sleep every night and wake up to a sale!
The above is only a rough draft of what should be done to completely automate your work from home internet business. A lot of testing should be conducted to see what marketing strategies, sales letters, pricing and bonuses work the best to achieve those maximum sales.
To summarize this article yes, making money while you are asleep is possible, but only if you are prepared to learn and willing to work hard at it. Set some goals and follow them. Goal setting has given thousands of people all over the world a successful way to financial freedom.
About the Author:
Willem Steyn is a retired asset manager, started a home business to still stay productive and motivated and plays an active part in his local society. For more information, on how you can start your own internet home business opportunity and to find out how you can achieve this work from home business goal he invites you to visit http://www.profit-nline247.com/

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Getting Started With Your New Home Business

I think the first thing to say is that whenever starting out in any new business venture there will be an initial amount to spend before the returns come in. With internet marketing, despite many scams, we need to focus exactly on what we intend to promote and in all cases we need a website to do this. Many web sites can be bought through an affiliate program the details of which are found on my websites.
One product in particular I ought to mention is the recently introduced program by Richard Legg. I am promoting these because he provides you with video tutorials on how to create your own website; even simple web pages can be effective in providing an income. However for the newbie who wants a web site pre installed and written the best one on the net has to be the one provided by Stone evans. His material is specifically designed for the new home business starter.
If buying a website is too expensive for now, then the blog pages at Google are Free, particularly the one known as 'Blogger'. There are many templates to choose from and in my opinion of high quality. Uploading stuff to is quite simple. I chose the colour scheme on my Message Board page to tie in with that on my blog page. This is always a good idea when promoting a theme through Affiliate Market Force.
As soon as we have, therefore a website/blog or both up and running, we need to promote that website. A good starter page to do this is found at http://www.subscribeme.net/ whereby you can get your webpage advertised for FREE. And not only that, they it will be advertised to over 1 000 000 Ezine users. How about that for starters? I hope to be posting more tips here on a weekly basis so look out for my articles and why not join our discussion board the link as below through my blog page?

Source: Submit Articles at ArticlesBase.com

About the Author:Jonathan Ledger is owner of the website
http://www.affiliatemarketforce.com/ and also recommends anyone interested in starting up their own business to also view his blog page and visit his message

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Get A Mindset To Attract Money

Of the many personal development books on attracting money I have read, I have found a common theme on the basics of money attraction. Similarly, when you go online and search on the same subject, the same tips will be found.
So what is the fundamental foundation to attract money and wealth? It is your thinking and mindset that will set the stage for attracting money. So in order to be able to attract money naturally, you must learn how to use mindset to attract money.
You need to train your mind into believing that you already have what you wanted, and then your life will miraculously change to reflect your new belief. The following attracting money mindset tips may sound like mumbo jumbo hocus pocus to you, but they are common refrains from great money making gurus. They constantly repeat these 5 tips to train their mind to attract wealth and money.
Tip 1 - Act and behave like you are already rich.You must act and believe you have always wanted is already yours. In this instance, it is money. So act as if you already have the money you wish to have. Ask yourself, if I am already rich, what would I do, how would I act, how would I feel, and then act, feel and do it.
By behaving and acting rich, you are teaching your mind that you are expanding your limitations, and as you practice this you will begin to purchase more of the things you want in your life and the money will come to you to pay for them. Want to be rich, then do this. This is the law of the universe.

Tip 2 - Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive. To attract money, you must show gratitude for the money which is already in your life. Instead of complaining how little money you have, be grateful that you already have money and will have more and give thanks to God or whatever greater power you believe in.
The next time when you get some money, instead of barely noticing it, take a few moments to give thanks to the universe or God for bringing this money into your wallet or bank account. Every time you receive your paycheck or every time you earned some money do stop and appreciate the fact that money is flowing into your life. By being grateful for money flowing to you, more money will be attracted to you.
Tip 3 - Find a dime on the sidewalk, keep it.In order to attract money into your life, your subconscious mind must be open to the idea of money flowing to you. You must be open and receptive to any money coming to you from any moral source. If you see a dime on the street, and your usual reaction is probably to ignore it. By doing that, you are teaching your subconscious mind that you are not willing to put out effort for money.
Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a dime and a million bucks. All that your mind registers is how you feel and that thought will be stashed somewhere in your subconscious mind that you do not want to attract money.
This mindset can also come in many other forms such as whenever you do not accept a gift or do not charge someone for work done or charge them way less than you should be or you sell a product for less than it is worth, you are creating the same emotions. So if you want to attract money, you must accept the money that is rightfully yours including that dime on the street.
Tip 4 - Be open to money making opportunitiesAsk yourself this question. Why it is rich people always have money making opportunities and that you don't? The answer is that you are simply not looking for opportunities hard enough or when opportunities come along, you are too lazy to take them or are even skeptical.
The difference between rich and poor people is that rich people realize that new opportunities are always all around them. You simply need to keep a look out for the opportunities, keep an open mind, and be prepared to take advantage when the opportunity comes knocking and do open the door when opportunities knock. In this way, you will attract wealth and money naturally.
Someone once said, luck is when opportunity meets preparation. If you want to find money making opportunities in your life then you must be prepared to take advantage of them when they come. By doing so, you will be blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced. Still skeptical? If you are, then you will hardly have any money making opportunies.
Tip 5 - Do something that makes you feel goodDo something that makes you feel good? I can hear you say that I don't have to tell you this. Everyone also wants to do things that make them feel good. When you feel good, your energy and mood rises, you will feel optimistic and positive and these attitudes will attract more of the things into your life which make you feel good such as money and wealth.
Now that you know the mindset on how to attract wealth and money, keep these money making mindset tips in your mind and act on them daily. After a few weeks or months, just sit back and watch more and more money flowing to you.
About the Author:

Chris Chew is money mad! Read his articles at Anthony Robbins wealth advisor and Be an entrepreneur

Monday, May 21, 2007

Make Money Fast Business Opportunity That Is Not Hype

Here is a make money fast business opportunity model that can produce amazing results for you. It emphasizes the World Wide Web's role as the ultimate information tool with the sale of information.

Despite the fact that there is plenty of free information widely available on the net, there is still a huge demand for good information which has resulted in this excellent make money fast business opportunity of being an infopreneur.

The whole idea behind this make money fast business opportunity is that you create a vehicle for selling some of your best information and then you simply provide teaser incomplete information free through blogs, web sites and even free ezines. The free information is supposed to play an important role in this make money fast business opportunity because it is a powerful way to advertise anything. The free information actually plays the role of being a free sample of the real thing distributed to those who are interested.

In this make money fast business opportunity your information product can be in the form of an email newsletter or ezine that you charge a subscription rate for. Alternatively it can be in the form of an intensive online e-course.

Once you have decided on what format to sell your main information product in, this make money fast business opportunity calls for you to focus everything on selling your infoproduct in as large numbers as possible.

Learn more about the best home business opportunity from a blogger who rakes in thousands of dollars... and growing from their home business.
Article Source:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Don't Expect To Earn Fast Money Online By Torgeir Sunnarvik

I've spent the last three years working towards actually earning money online. In most of that time period though, the money has been leaving my wallet faster than it has been coming into my wallet.


In my first year online, I tried all kinds of "earn-money-fast opportunities" --- everything from MLM to turnkey websites. I hate to admit this, but if I didn't make any money the first couple of months after I had signed up for one of these programs, I just gave up and moved on to the next opportunity.

Then I would begin the whole process all over again. I found a new site that promised to all who joined, that they would earn a lot of money fast, and they would earn their money without hard work.

I know the truth now, it was just another line of bulls**t!!!!

Twelve months later, all I had to show for my first year online, was many wasted hours and lots of wasted money.


As I began my second year, I realized that I had to make my own website. I didn't know anything about HTML. And, I knew nothing about where to find a hosting company, or even why I needed one. So the first six months of that second year, I was learning the basics of how to become a webmaster. I read through all the forums about web-mastering and SEO that I could find on the Internet, and tried to build a website that finally could make me some money.

I finally got my website up and running.

For the first 8 months that I had my website, I did not earn any real money for all of my hard work. The worst thing that could happen to a person began to happen to me... I began to lose hope. I began to believe that making money from the Internet was just a far-fetched dream that I could never attain on my own.

I was not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people have met or will meet this same crossroad in their Internet careers. Some will take the easy road and walk away from their dreams. Others will push on, not willing to let their dreams die.

I decided to push on.

I added new pages of content to my website every week. I exchanged links with other websites as often I could. Slowly and steadily, the visitors were starting to come to my little corner of the internet to browse and buy.

In the early stages, I had 30-50 visitors each day. Then, I began to see 100-150 a day. And soon, the first small amount of money was earned through my website.

Now it's 4 months after my first payday, and the traffic is still getting higher each week. Even though I'm not earning a whole lot of money now, I believe it's just a matter of time until I can leave my day job.


Looking back on these last three years, I have learned a few things that I would like to share with you today.

First of all, you should never join any of those scam sites that claim you will make a lot of money fast without working hard.

The cold, hard truth is that there is no way that you can make money online unless you are willing to work hard!

The next time you read about an opportunity where the promoter is telling you that you will not have to work hard to be successful, Stop! Stop and ask yourself "how hard this person is working" to part you with your money?

What about that email opportunity you are reading, where this anonymous person is telling you that you will not have to send other people email in order to make money? If he is being honest with you about the nature of his business, why did he have to send you an email to get Your business? If his way is best, why is it that he is not practicing what he preaches?

You have to approach new programs with your eyes wide open! Be willing to read between the lines to see if the promoter is lying to you to part you with your money. Be willing to research on the internet what other people have said about the program that you are looking at. Be willing to discover and separate the people who are trying to sell the program, from the people who are giving you an honest appraisal of the program, from the people who are just complaining about everything to hear themselves talk.

In the end, it comes down to this. If you get involved with one of the myriad of scam opportunities floating around out there, you will end up spending all of your money with zero rewards in your pocket for your time or effort.


Find a niche product to sell or promote. And then make your own website. If you don't know anything about how to become a webmaster, use Google to find forums about the subject. Or, you can buy a ebook about web-mastering.

Don't expect to earn much money the first year your website is online. Look at it as your learning period. Be persistent and don't take any shortcuts. It takes time to build a money making business, whether you make your business online or offline.

And finally, try to have fun while you are working on your website. It's much easier to become successful if you like the work you are doing.

Good luck!

Torgeir Sunnarvik, Norway

Torgeir Sunnarvik is the owner and webmaster of: http://www.everypleasures.com/. His site offers free ebooks, ebooks with reprint rights, and marketing articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Torgeir_Sunnarvik

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Have Fun, Make Money - Get Paid to Do What You Love By Cathy Stucker

A little creativity can go a long way toward helping you make money doing things you enjoy. Take a look at some of the suggestions here, then think about ways you can get paid to do what you love to do.

Get paid to shop - Mystery shopping is a great way to make money in your spare time by providing valuable customer service feedback to businesses. It's flexible and fun, and just about anyone can do it. The most important quality you need is to be reliable. It also helps to be observant and have good writing skills. Mystery shopping is done around the world, so there are probably mystery shops being done in your neighborhood right now. For more information, get a copy of The Mystery Shopper's Manual at http://www.idealady.com/. The book includes a list of 150 companies hiring shoppers across the US and Canada and around the world, along with lots of insider tips.

Get paid to talk - You've seen those people handing out samples in the grocery store or demonstrating a product at the home show. They get paid to do that, and you can, too. To be good at this, you need an outgoing personality. You have to be willing to speak up and get people to try what you're offering, take a coupon, or watch your demonstration. You can find these jobs by watching the help wanted ads in your local newspaper. For more information, see http://www.narms.com/.

Get paid to party - Direct sales companies, such as Tupperware, Pampered Chef and others, offer a great way to make extra money or launch a lucrative new career. You get paid to go to parties, do product demonstrations and take orders. You set your own schedule, so you can fit work into your life, not try to squeeze life in around a job. For more information, see the Direct Selling Association at http://www.dsa.org/.

Don't want to be a sales representative? You can get free products by hosting a party in your home. Look for a local representative in your phone book and ask how you can earn free products by hosting a party.

Get paid to be in the movies - You don't have to live in Hollywood to be an extra in a movie or TV show. Your city or state probably has a film commission where you can get information about upcoming productions. Do an Internet search for "film commission" and your city or state to find them. My local film commission regularly lists opportunities to be an extra in movies or TV shows, be a crew member on an independent film, or even to get paid to be in the audience of a TV show.

Get paid to drive - If it seems as if you are always in your car, or your car is often parked in a high-traffic area, you can use your car to make money by getting it painted with an ad. Advertisers look at what kind of car you drive, its condition, where and how much you drive, how many people see the car when it's parked and other factors when choosing cars for these promotions. If you and your car are what they're looking for, they will pay you to show their ad on your car. (More info: http://www.autowraps.com/)

Get paid for your opinions - Participating in focus groups and other market research doesn't provide regular income, and there are often limits on how often you may participate. However, I've got lots of opinions, and I'm always happy when I can get paid for them! I've been paid for opinions on music, clothes, and even the scent of a laundry product. You can increase your chances of getting selected by registering with market research companies. Check your phone directory or the local mall to find one in your area.

There are also many places online where you can get paid to write opinions or reviews, or to fill out surveys. Make sure you understand how you will be paid before spending a lot of time on this. Many sites pay in credits that can only be redeemed with them, but some pay in cash.
Get paid to do your own thing - When you can make money doing something you love to do, it doesn't feel like work at all. My main career involves speaking and writing, both things I enjoy. I've also been paid for my opinions, made money as a mystery shopper and been a movie extra! Use your imagination to find ways to make money while doing what you enjoy. I call it "Solo-reneuring" and that's how I've made my living for more than eight years. Do you love animals? Start a pet sitting or dog walking service. If you enjoy crafts, dance or playing an instrument, you may be able to teach a class or offer private instruction to people who want to learn what you know. For more information about Solo-preneuring, see http://www.idealady.com/solo.htm.

General information - When considering any of these opportunities, make sure you understand what you will be asked to do and how you will be compensated. Then you can decide if it is worth your time and effort.

Be careful about paying to be listed in data bases. Some companies charge you to apply with no guarantee of work. You may be paying for a legitimate opportunity, or you may just be saying goodbye to $20 or more. Find out what you will get before paying a fee.
You probably won't get rich doing these things, but you can get paid to do things you enjoy. Even if you don't make a million dollars, your life will be richer for the joy and satisfaction you get from your work--and you'll have at least a few extra dollars in your pocket!
Copyright Cathy Stucker, IdeaLady.com. You'll find free content with lots of great information on growing your business and more at http://www.freearticles.biz/.
Article Source:

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Becoming Rich -- The Key.

The key to becoming rich is residual income. Residual income is income earned while you sleep. If you stay home sick you are still producing income. Songwriters get royalties from the songs they write. This is a form of residual income. Insurance policy writers receive residual income. It may be dividends from stock or bonds. Rental income from residential or commercial properties is another form of residual income. The more of these streams of residual income you have the more likely you are to become rich. Your job is one stream of income, if you get sick or hurt your one stream of income is gone. The rich have multiple streams of income. If one stream of residual income dries up, they have nothing to worry about because they have other streams that will still provide them with monthly cash flow that will pay the bills. The goal to keep in mind is to have multiple streams of income that are capable of paying your monthly bills. Once this is accomplished you have freed your time to do as you wish.

When you look for possible streams of income, keep in mind that you do not want to create another job for yourself. Doctors and lawyers may appear rich by their material possessions, but if they stop seeing patients or taking cases they lose that income just like you would if you stopped going to work. Rich people might not look much different from your self, they may be wearing older clothes or driving older cars and still be wealthy. This is because one of the traits of the modestly rich is that they still remember that frugality is one way to increase savings that will be shifted into investments that will produce those residual income streams.

A business you own can be another job, like the doctor or lawyer example, or the residual income stream you would like to have coming in, like an author or songwriter who receive royalties. If you start a business, design that business to be a residual income earning business. The business should not take all the time you have in a day, but should start to free your time after the initial set up period. Work smart, not hard. Live frugal. Save and invest. Become as rich as you would like to be. Continue learning, expanding on your financial education.

With three startup businesses before he was 21 years old, Matt Fox has the experience to help you create your own businesses for your financial future. See his blog at http://www.bizmaker.blogspot.com.

Article Source:

Thursday, May 3, 2007

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income - Introduction to Making Money In Your Sleep By George Blackwell'

Have you ever wished you could simply wake up every day to see that your bank account has grown by hundreds of dollars overnight with no effort from your side? It may take some work to create multiple streams of income that literally make you money even as you sleep – however, the results will always be worth it, so long as you are prepared to work hard to get your online empire up and running.

How do you create multiple streams of income online? Firstly, you will need to choose whether you want to become a vendor or an affiliate. Vendors create their own products and sell it to the end customer, while affiliates promote vendor products in return for a hefty commission from every sale. As a vendor, you can set up an affiliate network and leave it up to them to do all the marketing; as an affiliate, you can create a small, search engine optimized site that will automatically promote the product and earn you money with no intervention from your side. In both cases, you will be able to create multiple streams of income online that can be sustained without continued efforts.

Once you know what form you want your residual income to take, now is the time to get serious! Whether you are a vendor or an affiliate, Clickbank is a great place to either find or set up affiliate programs. If you are an affiliate, pay close attention to the Gravity of the affiliate program, which indicates how well the product “converts” (how easy it is to promote and make a sale). In general, you should stay away from topics such as Internet marketing, affiliate revenue and weight loss – they are all extremely popular, meaning that you will find yourself dealing with a tremendous amount of competition.

In fact, choosing the right niche is the most important thing you will ever do, either as an affiliate or as a vendor. A niche is a market that has steady demand but insufficient supply – for example, a hypothetical hair-growth product called “FastGrowth Plus” might have a market niche for a book or a site reviewing its effectiveness. Niches are extremely important to the success of any effort to create multiple streams of income, because they allow you to focus on a market that has virtually no competition and yet provides steady demand for your products or services. It is precisely for this reason that all professional Internet Marketers guard their niches and never reveal them to the general public.

How do you find a good niche and bypass all the competition? Wordtracker provides an excellent free tool that lets you see how many people search for a particular keyphrase a day. For example, let’s say you are interested in promoting your “FastGrowth Plus” product. Google search for “hair growth” returns 1,160,000 results – clearly more than you can compete with! However, let’s say you check Wordtracker and find out that a lot of people search every day for “FastGrowth Plus hair loss product review” – chances are, there will be only a dozen of sites competing for this keyphrase, and most of them will not be optimized around it. For you, this presents a great opportunity to make a small website with content built around this long keyphrase – and whenever someone looks for it on Google, they will see your site as of the first ones. Using this simple method you will effectively bypass all the competition and if you picked your niche correctly, you will have the market all to yourself.

Of course, simply setting up sites like that is not enough to create multiple streams of income. You will need to do a lot of search engine optimization and promotion to maximize your exposure and earnings. Remember, the more targeted visitors you receive, the more money you will make from affiliate sales. In general, you can expect that 1% of all people who visit your site will actually buy the product (although there are ways of increasing that).

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to create multiple streams of income online – and although it will take a lot of effort to get started, you will generally find the going to be a lot easier once the money starts coming in. Keep in mind that you will eventually be able to outsource some of the more time-consuming and labour-intensive parts of your work, enabling you to concentrate on what you’re really good at – making money!

You can find 6 best ways to make money online at George Blackwell's Home Income Opportunity Online website here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Blackwell

10 Simple Tips For Attaining Wealth By DeAnna Spencer

What with the millions of words printed every day about "How To Achieve Success," why aren't there more new millionaires.

Basically, it's simply because the people reading this "How-To" information don't understand what they read, or else just don't have the drive it takes to put what they've read into action. In truth, it would seem that everyone wants to "find out how to become rich," but the number of people with the drive it takes to "work a plan," is few and far between.

The Basics to Getting Rich can be stated simply as follows:

1. You must control your investment. This is the key to building a fortune from small capital. You have to have the ability and knowledge to make the right moves at the right time, and above all, the innate talent it takes to always land on your feet and never be wiped out, regardless of the setbacks you may encounter.

2. You must know how and where to buy for next to nothing - or produce a product from scratch - and sell at a tremendous profit. With this ability, you can start with $100 or less, and sell it to someone else for much more than you paid for it. Then do it again, and keep on doing it until you have enough money to make substantial investments in other area where your money will grow and prosper.

3. You must buy things that appreciate in value. In other words, learn to buy things that will grow in value as time goes on. Things such as collectibles, land, precious metals and stones. Think of the multiplication factor: You pay $10 for a copyright, sell 500 copies and you're off to a small fortune.

4. You've got to be choosy. Buy the original or pick a limited field. For instance, if you buy written material, buy form the author; or if you're into stamps or coins, work with just one country or type of coins/stamps.

5. You must become an expert in your field of selling - know all there is to know about it. It takes time, effort, and energy, but the financial rewards are worth it.

6. You must know how to work the tax shelters. In the confiscatory tax economy we operate in today, anyone attempting to make important money has to operate with every tax break he can get. There are many of them, and they can be applied in different ways.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Ways To Make Extra Money

Would you like to supplement your income with ways to make extra money while you work? Earning a living on the internet is fairly straight forward once you know how. However, for most new people to internet marketing very few people succeed. The most common reason for this is that people do not follow a proven plan and they experience information overload and read ebook after ebook without taking massive action. Using the techniques I am about to show you you could easily earn six hundred dollars a month and if you apply them with consistent action you will grow your monthly income by that amount.

One of the ways to make extra money is to do surveys. Now there are plenty of companies that pay you to help them do market research. For example you could earn twenty dollars to complete a survey that takes thirty minutes. Now if you do two of these types of surveys that is forty dollars in one day. If you search on Google there plenty of sites that offer listings of survey sites free. There are also sites that offer you a comprehensive survey directory listing for a fee. Now you cannot earn a full time living from surveys, but you can make a few hundred dollars a month in extra money.

Another one of my favorite ways to make extra money is that you can piggyback traffic on sites like Squidoo, Ecademy and Craigslist which have very good rankings in the search engines. You do some keyword research and then create content on these website which have highly targeted
affiliate links to your chosen keywords. This is a really easy way to make extra money and your content is usually indexed in a few days on the major search engines.

Using these ways to make extra money you could easily be earning six thousand dollars a month in a years time with minimal financial investment and only a few hours of your time a week.

Would you like to know more about the techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_A._Abrahams

How To Generate Unique Business Ideas That Make Money?

Every money making opportunity that you see boils down to one common thing: idea. As you know the best ideas pay. The most creative ideas pay.

The best thing about ideas is it's free and everybody has the capability to think of ideas.

In order to be creative and innovative about ideas, you have to have knowledge. Knowledge is important. You need to know thousands of things to be creative.

Below are steps that you can take to come up with profitable innovative ideas:

1) Read and study as many things as possible about your industry or product. You need to investigate specific information of what you are going to sell. For example, if you want to be involved in real estate, you study everything about the subject matter in details. If you want to start a business, you have to know what's going on in your industry, what sells and at what price, etc.

2) Improve general knowledge. Don't limit yourself to only learn about things in your own industry. Learn as many topics as possible from other industries. It can be any topic. This enables you to think out of your own industry.

3) Mix and match ideas from cross industry. Once you investigate and research enough, your mind is the
storehouse of all the ideas you have studied. And this is the main source to your creative ideas. All the knowledge you have learned so far is the raw materials to produce new ideas.

4) Thinking of raw idea. After you have done your study, think hard about the solutions you want to your problem. Then stop and relax. Get a cup of coffee or go for a movie. Do something relaxing and let your subconscious mind work for you. The idea or solution will come to you at a much unexpected moment. For me, ideas always come to me before I sleep. My mind will be bombarded with ideas that I can't stop.

5) Refine your raw idea until it's up to your satisfaction. You can always do your own research on the raw idea by asking questions to target market to test the feasibility of the idea and how to improve the idea further.

Basically new idea is a combination of old ideas. You need to have enough old ideas to come up with new ideas. That's why constant reading and observation are important.

Sometimes when someone has launched a new product, you would say, "Hey! I thought about that before. That's my idea." You might have had thought about the idea but you didn't capitalize on it. Someone has done it before you.

It's always good that you have an ideas book. Whenever you think of a good idea, write it down. You can always work on it or improve it later. Bring along the ideas book wherever you go. It doesn't need to be fancy. It can be a normal pocket-sized spiral notebook.

With the method outlined above, I hope that you will be the next person who makes fortunes with unprecedented ideas that people can never think of.

Author: Abel Cheng is publisher of Abel Cheng's Business Diary, a
free publication that provides unorthodox home and small
business success tips, tools and resources. Get instant
access to his publication at http://www.abelcheng.com/diary.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abel_Cheng

The Secrets to Formulating a Winning Strategy

Every successful business, large and small, that has a winning strategy follows the same basic formula for doing so. While all businesses have their own unique strategy, certain consistent elements can be seen throughout all the prosperous ones. Committing the time and energy to doing these things determines the success of a business. The following is a list of 8 things all flourishing businesses have in common:

1. Goal Setting – In order to achieve success in business the leader needs to define where he or she wants the company to be, what they want to do and what they want to achieve. Goal setting is what turns an idea into results. Organizations with goals achieve far more than those that simply hope for the best.

2. Vision Sharing – Using participatory visual models to enable people to create an image of the future is vital. This allows for business goals to be integrated into a shared company vision. Having a unified vision saves time, money and frustration. Your people will accomplish far more if they can see and buy into where you are trying to take the company. This is an invaluable part of a successful business.

3. Pursuit of Excellence –Successful businesses don’t buy into the premise, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” So, if you have been, it may be time for a paradigm shift. Too many businesses get bogged down in comfort and mediocrity. Even when their business model is working successful businesses are constantly improving and looking for ways to change.

4. Benefit Modeling – Intuition can be handy for making some decisions, but important choices about the future direction of the company, or substantial investments should be made using some kind of decision making methodology. Analyzing scenarios and evaluating risks in order to maximize return on business investments, is a best practice of successful businesses.

5. Integrated Planning – A comprehensive view should be taken of business, people and technology and the processes surrounding them should be integrated into a single business plan. Successful businesses have a single business plan that ties all the elements of the company’s efforts together into one unified strategy. The strategy should map the course for the company as a whole, including all of its parts.

6. Explicit Accountability – Clearly designate responsibility for the achievement of business accomplishments. Successful businesses are without layers of middle managers whose sole responsibility is to make sure that that their workers are getting their job done. By delegating work and clearly attributing specific responsibilities to specific positions, businesses achieve more, more efficiently.

7. Knowledge Building – The desire to learn should be cultivated and rewarded. The smarter we become individually, the smarter we become collectively. Improving the rate of learning throughout the organization creates group success. The best businesses value constant learning and improving where their employees are concerned. Have employees set aside time on the clock to read non-position related material that will increase their business acumen.

8. Technology Planning – Think ahead and globally about your company’s technology needs for the future. This is a no-brainer in today’s dynamic and virtual world. If technology is key to your value proposition, you must keep up with the Joneses. For the areas of your company that are back office operations instead of competitive advantages the key is to stay on pace with advancements, while not getting too far ahead or behind the curve.

All businesses have a strategy. The ones that have a successful strategy incorporate these practices in order to remain successful. For more information about how you can improve your business’ strategy, visit http://www.flourishingbusiness.com.

Elizabeth W. Gordon, founder and President of The Flourishing Business, LLC, is a visionary leader who has a passion for helping others achieve their entrepreneurial dreams and enjoy more of the best in life. With a vast and diverse background in many business arenas, Elizabeth regularly has the opportunity to share her business acumen with clients, large and small. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), Atlanta and the Board of Directors of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Atlanta. She is an Accredited Executive Associate of the Institute for Independent Business (IIB) and a certified Life Coach.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_W._Gordon

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Ewen Chia's Autopilot Bankroll, PLAIN & Forthright Review.

What is Autopilot wealth? Is it WORTH your money?

Let's find out...

Up front, Autopilot Profits is a small turnkey accessible business strategy. It's not quite a manufacture, ebook or video tutorial. It's a arrangement complete with a SALES Refine (will analyze this in more information shortly).

As you know, every business must have a "sales fulfill". It commences from the moment when a visitor flare*s at your site to order processing, yield dispatch and purchaser service.

Together with, as its name tells, it's a business way on AUTOPILOT. What this means is that you don't need to hire staffs to answer calls, docket harvest consignment, follow up on up with customers, etc... All these activities are taken care of.

But now the BIG dispute is...

How can Autopilot Bankroll help you make money online?
Here is the answer: the KEY subdivision lies in the "sales dispose of".

To be able to sell utterly online, it's not sufficient to just have a creation. You need a all-powerful sales letter that is decent of replacing the visitors to become customers. Needless to say, you also need a treat to take care of offshoot ordering and giving over.

You can develop a sales handle by yourself but this will require a lot of time and efforts. You need to test and "re-test" to make sure that the sales concoct is ingenious.

Now, what Autopilot Profits provides is a Binding sales dispose of. The creator (Ewen Chia) of Autopilot profits has used the wise to rake in OVER $500,000 on autopilot. You can see the PROOF here.

So you're given a righteous system that works. Your job is to learn how to flip the switch and turn on the engine.


This definite plan is designed for both newbies and experienced users. If you're a newbie, you will appreciate it and realize that making money online isn't that hard if someone has connected all the dots for you.

If you're an experienced user, you will be able to take FULL advantage of the automated treat and make a great additional accomplishment source for yourself.

Ok, the next important question is...

What do you have to do to start this business on autopilot?

Great question! The answer is as follow...

Here are the TWO-STEPS you need to take to flip the switch and run the Autopilot Possessions Technique...

1. You study the materials provided. - When you purchase Autopilot Fluid assets, you will be given an Ebook and step by step Video Tutorials. Your job here is to READ the ebook and WATCH videos.

2. Act upon the instructions and TAKE ACTIONS. - This is very obvious... you read, you study and you take actions. Unfortunately majority of people FAIL to do this. If you don't do this you won't accomplish. Period.

NOTE: The Autopilot Profits Technique is like an aircraft. It can fly on autopilot BUT it still needs the pilot to switch it on, navigate it to the run way and take it to sky. You can't just load the passengers and expect an aircraft to fly without a pilot.

My Particular knowledge With Autopilot Profits:

It definitely takes a bit of TIME and EFFORTS to get this scheme flying. For me, it took about 2-3 weeks to see actual results. I spent about 1-2 hours a day to learn and do the business.

I will be lying if I say you can make money from this without doing any work. In fact, there is no free lunch. You must take action in order to see results. There is no such thing as earning money without any work.

What makes this logical process works is the Potent sales process. There are works needed to transform the policy into autopilot mode. That's the reason why a complete instructions (ebook & videos) are provided to help you do that.


This mode rocks! Ewen has done a great job to connect all the dots for you to earn money online. Of course you need to play your part too otherwise the usage won't work for you.
Besides the turnkey and automation part, another presentation I really appreciate learning is the way it touches on the basic PRINCIPAL of traffic.

The basic principal of trade are...
FIND and FEEL what people are hungry for. Feed them what they WANT to eat and... Find a METHOD to put your OFFER in front of them.These basic skills are very very IMPORTANT! They are explained very clearly in the video tutorial. You MUST learn and apply these skills, don't waste your time searching for a secret seeing it simply doesn't exist.

The SECRET to Performance in dealings always fall back to the BASIC PRINCIPAL outlined above. Unfortunately, most people has forgotten the basic principal of selling.

If you can ONLY remember ONE thing from this letter, remember the basic PRINCIPAL. You can't go wrong with it, it's a timeless principal in business (regardless you do it online or offline).
If you're willing to learn, study and take actions... the Autopilot Bankroll System is WORTH every penny of your money. But if you're expecting results with no works then I'm sorry to say that this is not for you.

Download Your Autopilot Bankroll Now If You're Ready To Learn & Take Actions!

NOTE: You really have Obliteration to lose forasmuch as the products comes with 8 weeks money back guarantee. If you don't see results after following the instructions outlined in the manual and video tutorials, just refund it. No cast doubt on asked.
By Author: Marcel

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Party Drop Out Strikes Millions On The Internet

A former high school drop out from Montreal, David Sigouin remaining schoolboy with no qualification's or prospects for the future.

With nothing but raw rating and an unrelinquishing desire to outwit he was able to turn the tables.

Next determined at a get nowhere job, David started his own Internet Company submit in 2005.

Subsequently a follow of successes and failures David's In less than one year, at the age of 21, he’ve been able to gather a personal net worth of submerge one million dollars. And he did so entirely over the Wired using a unique formula that’s professional proven successful week thereafter week—month after month with no noting of slowing down.

His concluding product shows how the ordinary person can start an instant internet business.It is completely stuffed with cutting-odds insider information, profound index, all-powerful guidance, and a complete step-by-act, paint by the numbers, blueprint to success for each and indiscriminately countenance of your new business.

And you’re going to get every single thing you could superficially occasion to thrive.

So, if you'd like a new source of premium... a way to put thousands—even tens of thousands of extra dollars into your bank account each and every month, incredible is by far, the very best way to do it.

For more information on David Sigouin and his concluding produce visit his website here
Author: Marc Soon
My other website and blog

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tips on Becoming Successful in Live

First, what is success? This is the event which accomplishes its intended goal. So, simply, you have to define what you are aiming for.
You have to have a dream and good imagination. Everything starts with imagination and a strong desire to reach the goal. Most successful people have a skill of imagining things they haven’t achieved yet, but certainly will.
So, anything you want to become true, should, first of all, start in the inner world of your own. Success frightens people sometimes. For many of them success is drawn as an inaccessible substance. Just sit down, take a blank sheet of paper and write down your goals and dreams. Then come the steps of making your goals and dreams come true.
Define, within what period of time these goals should be completed. Outline the primary, partial, intermediate goals, and then the actual resulting ones. What new experience or skills you have to get and develop in order to face the challenge.The world will not accept you with your weaknesses and drawbacks. You have to become an emotionally strong person.
It’s a tough job to be a successful personality. Once you start fulfilling the set up goals, be ready to resist the impact of this world. There are thousands of people like you, wanting to become successful in this or that sphere, so be ready to show who the leader is.
The important thing is not to recede, not to give up and feel absolutely positive. When imagining success over and over again, you begin to expect success. So, you will attract it like a magnet. Programme yourself to success.Very few people achieve success accidentally.
Most of them set a goal first, define their measure of success and only then achieve it. So all you have to do is to have a willingness to make it till the end and confidence you are able to do it!
About the Author:
Jennifer Burns is a staff academic writer at Custom-Writing.org, custom essay writing service. Jennifer provides writing help and support to students who buy dissertation and coursework writing.

Make A Decision

The first key to making a living online is to decide exactly how you want to do it.
That may sound a little obvious but too many people embark on an Internet career these days without knowing exactly what it is they want to do to do.
There are many ways to make money online ranging from affiliate marketing to freelancing and a world of activities in between. Deciding which one you want to dedicate your time to will make a considerable difference to your level of success.
Find out exactly what it is that you want to do then you'll find it a lot easier to establish the foundation of your career. However a lot of people don't know where to look or worse, what to look for.
So ask your self first what are you good at? What is it that interests you?
If you have a skill that you already know how to monetize you may be looking at a career as an online freelancer. Hiring out your skill to those in the need for a fee which you can set at whatever your talents are worth.
Or you could become an affiliate for the skills, talents or services of someone else. Affiliate marketing is making masses of monetary rewards for many on line marketers receiving a percentage payout of up to 75% of any sales that they generate.
Alternatively you may have a product or service of your own that you would like to introduce to the market in which instance you will need to consider promotional methods, delivery methods and storage if it's non-digital.
There are many many more ways of generating an income online and if, like I was when I was a newbie, you're not sure which of the many methods are best suited to you then it's important that you take your time and do some research.
Make a list of the topics that interest you the most. Look through that list, is there anything there that you already have training in? Could you teach other people how to be successful in any of those areas? What would you like to learn more about?
Throughout the life of you career it is really important for you to make plans like these and focus on an end result even though you may not be quite sure how you are going to get there yet.

Source: Submit Articles at ArticlesBase.com
About the Author:The author of this article is Denise Hamilton. For free help, advice and guidance on making your online, home business a success visit Home Workers Review OR come together for support at Home Workers Forum

Saturday, March 31, 2007

If you build it, will they come

If you were to start a business the ‘right' way, you would have at least tens of thousands of dollars available for 24 months of living expenses, start-up costs, inventory and marketing.

A more typical situation is this: you have a passion in your soul and you know you can make a business from it. Other people have done it and are making lots of money; why can't you? So you either got laid off or quit or your kids are now in school and you start your business.

You quickly realize you need to do ‘marketing.' But marketing costs money and you don't have much, so you study guerrilla marketing. You learn that you need to do so much – you need a web presence, you need to network, you need to write. You need a blog, PR, search engine optimization and published articles in print and on the internet. You need to do internet radio, internet marketing, publish an email newsletter and speak publicly.

If you did everything the experts tell you to do in their fr'ee teleclasses, you would need to work 20 hours a day every day. Also, you need to know what to say in all your marketing!
So what do you do?

If your budget is small, having a good plan is even more important. Start with an education in marketing fundamentals. Once you fully understand the basics, deciding what to do in your marketing will be so much easier! Your education must have a small business emphasis and should be very interactive.

At the same time, you need to study how others in your industry market their businesses. Be careful here – only study those who you know are successful, and do not compare yourself to others.

Because of all the variables, marketing can be a series of experiments. Your industry, your personality, your investment, your knowledge, your attitude, the economy, your family support – all these and more contribute to the success or failure of your business. Because of all these variables, there is no ‘one way' to build your business.

Start out by reading books and taking fr'ee teleclasses about starting a very small business, and studying your competition. Hiring a good small business coach will accelerate your education. At this point, you will have a much better idea of what needs to be on your marketing plan, in what order, and when you might need to hire help.

If you stumble along and never invest serious time and money in your marketing, there is a very good chance it will take 3-5 years (or more) to get up to speed and making a profit.
By Audrey Burton, Small Business Coach, is “The Tigress”. Get her FREE Special Report, “Closing the Sale is Not Complicated!” and her FREE monthly email newsletter at http://www.TigressCoaching.com .

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Starting An Online Internet Business - 7 Tips To Make It Easier (Ezine Ready)

For several years I did research online to find the real internet "gurus" to learn how to start an online business. After finding all the scams, my head began to hurt. Luckily, I did not fall for any of them. Finally, I stumbled across some legitimate resources and the pain subsided. The information I found lead to more information which lead to even more information. Obviously, my head began to hurt again. I was suffering from information overload! Everything that I saw I had to learn about. The problem was, I was trying to learn too many things at once.
There are many ways to earn money online. Among the most popular are online stores, affiliate marketing, internet auctions and selling information products or e-books. I have subscribed to newsletters, read e-books and even listened to tele-seminars to learn about all of these and more. In the process of learning, guess what happened? I was reading about the success of others and becoming very frustrated with my lack of success. I have learned some lessons along the way. Here are some tips, I hope you will find helpful:
1. Learn one thing at a time!

Interested in selling products on an online auction? Learn about that first! If you do not know where to start, go to the auction website. There are tutorials that are broken down into simple steps to help you. They want you to be successful. After all, if you make money, they make money!

2. Find something that interests you and sell it.

It's not a good idea to try and make money doing something that you hate. You won't be successful. If you are not a fan of movies, selling dvds is probably not a good idea.
3. Start a business that you can afford. Is money tight?

There are ways to start a business with very little money. Later you will be able to invest more. Need $50 for an e-book you have been dying to buy? I used to give up things that I didn't need like the impulse items at the store checkout line to save money to buy resources.
Read about the resources before you buy them. Look up the titles on the search engines and get some feedback. Also, a money-back guarantee is a huge plus! You cannot afford to waste money on information that is not helpful. Never ask someone for your money back for information that you have found to be well worth it. They may be a great contact or resource to help you make more money later! Besides, do unto others!
4. Set realistic goals that are well defined.

Keep it simple, especially if you are just starting out. For example, you could set a goal of seven days to sign up for an account on an online auction site and find three things in your own home to sell just to learn how the process works. For a long time, I had so many broad, complicated goals that I could not reach them. I may as well have had no goals at all.
5. Have a positive mindset!

If you think you are going to fail, most likely you will. Avoid listening to others who tell you that you can't do it. Talk with others about your business who are positive. Believe me, it really helps! One day I made the statement to a co-worker that I was going to make a living online one day. She told me that she knew I would too because I wanted it so much. Her reassurance helped to motivate me even more. A positive attitude can be very contagious!
6. It is not easy!

If you are looking to get rich quick, good luck! You will read about people who have made a lot of money quickly online, but not without effort. Yes, there are some who, if they went bankrupt today, could be fairly wealthy soon. However, most of these people are experienced online entrepreneurs. What I have found is that if you enjoy what you are doing, it will become easier.
7. Take action!

One of the biggest mistakes that I made was doing so much research, that is all I was doing. The funny thing is, most of the information I read told me to take action but I didn't listen. I had a million reasons why I couldn't just go ahead and start making money online. I didn't know enough yet or I had not saved enough money. I learned the most by actually doing what I had only been dreaming about before.
By following these tips, I know you will find success online even if you just want to earn some extra money. If you make some mistakes, and you probably will, learn from them and use it as a tool to become more successful.

Source: Submit Articles at ArticlesBase.com

About the Author: Nancy Cleary has spent a great deal of her time doing research to find resources and advice about doing business online. If would like some helpful information to start your own online business or grow an existing one, here is a site with some recommended resources: http://www.netbusinessadvice.com